Where is the Music Industry Going?: In order to figure out where the Industry is going, we need to look back to see where it has come from.
earliest recollection is of 78 rpm platters, pressed on one side, with
warnings from my parents, not to touch under pain of severe
Rock 'n Roll brought us 45's
pressed on 7 inch discs, with an "A" side (extensive air play) and "B"
side (who ever listened except for the curious?). Tracks hardly ever
exceeded 3 and a half or 4 minutes which gave program directors plenty
of time for commercials on AM radio. We rushed home from school to watch
American Bandstand, and hear the latest releases from the hottest
One day FM radio was born, and along
came 12" LP's (33-1/3 rpm). We traded our Hi-Fi's for Stereos, put our
45's in the corner and started collecting albums. We also needed
cassette tapes of the same albums to play in our cars, and some of us
bought the ill-fated 8-track tapes and players. Some can still be found
in yard sales, everywhere.
Disco changed our
lives by introducing longer tracks (up to 18 minutes), which didn't seem
to bother program directors and DJ's on FM. 12" singles replaced the 7"
45's and along came the wonderful world of Compact Discs, requiring the
purchase of yet another piece of equipment, and launching the never
ending discussions about Analog vs. Digital. Ah yes, I remember it well.
glorious day, Mtv showed up on Cable TV, and the record labels
supported their major acts with lavishly produced videos, which could be
seen in the comfort of your home, or in clubs everywhere, creating the
need for another awards show. I'm sure it wasn't legal to do so, but
many fans made VHS (or Betamax) copies of their favorite music videos.
age of miniaturization has made it possible for us to store music
tracks and videos on an MP3 player that can easily fit into a pocket,
with hardly showing a bulge. Everyone with a cam corder and editing
software can create a music video and put it up on YouTube for all to
see, for free. Record company A & R executives no longer need to go
to showcase venues, which seem to be fewer in number, to search for new
artists. It's all just a click away.
So what's next... Mental Telepathy?
...in January I have had read an article about the last xmas sales...and a lil watch into the sales for xmas 2012...the music biz said the last CD's will be sold xmas 2012...only special editions are really interesting in future...for some collectors which don't ask for the money...!
ReplyDelete...as I start with videos...my dream was to get a DVD...tooo late...;-)))...then I want have a own TV channel...I have one...but who not...;-))))...at least I will sell rocking toilette paper with my artworks and lyrics from
my artist friends...hahaha...<3...Jutta Gabriel
Hello Jutta so good to see you I know the feeling we get most of our support from our Friends, but it is one way to get out their. You will have the hippest tp around Love.