
Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Patterns of a Dance Collective

Beatmistresscait has taken on a true project of the heart. One of her songs will be introduced to an amazing group of talented unique dancers. Diane, John, Cristy, Jimmy, Orla, all core dancers with Patterns Dance Collective is looking forward to their performance in Galway Fringe Festival in July! The dance project is being inspired by two Musicians Peter Delaney and Cait Collins [our Beatmistresscait of Devotions Recording]. Fantastic music from both artists! What makes this performance unique is that the dancers themselves are dealing with "down syndrome."

Cait expressed to me in a note on Facebook; "I worked with them one Christmas gig and I cried at their joy and wonder... Let's me know that I haven't had such a hard life... Amazing Artists working in Limerick City, giving workshops and performing locally and nationally....proud to be participating musically...please share!" This performance is going to be the wonderment for us all, the profundity here is "Joy" is just a song away, or in this case a Dance away. We are proud of you Cait, your heart is so big and so wonderful Love, your label is honored to write about this amazing journey for all involved. And I am asking everyone at Google+ and Facebook, and Twitter to get the word out and follow these great kids!


  1. ...cheers's a humbling experience really, and i am delighted to be able to contribute in my small way...

  2. Hi Love, this is the coolest thing I got to write about. The kids are so cool hope EVERYONE who has a heart likes their Facebook Page and checks out their show in Ireland.
