
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Devotions Recording 2013 Music with Heart

One of the most compelling things about film or video is Music. Without the heart of this artistic form our shows, TV, Motion Pictures, and even our video games would really be a drag. So like I have been going on and on about 2013.... Yes it's that time of year again when we all start to think about the NEW Year. So I decided to hook up with one of my Instructors and get some fresh new looks for Devotions Recording and the other Film Companies who Love Devotions Recording Artists and our Guest. This Ad is for D.R. Devotions Recording will be working with Knight Productions for the Film 2013. I'm not sure where it's gonna go still trying to figure something out for "Concept" so yeah Striking Concept's Jodie will be helping me with that one. We have so much to learn about our WORLD but it really would help Americans to learn about our own Country first. That's always a good start. Learn about your own self before impositions on others. The primary standard Artist for GREAT Soundtrack will be invited for this project, but we might also have some Guest on this project as well. ya never know, i got plenty of time as 2013 isn't even here yet LOL.


2013 Neuro film festival
please vote thanks

Check out Knight Productions 4 and Striking Concept's NEW Entrances at Striking Concept Video's Blog  right here on Blogger

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Careful how you vote-Consequences Do Matter

It's getting quite nasty over here in the States. Civility has left the building, and the undercurrent of Orwell has entered the building. Sad to say but we are reduced to pitting lies against truth, self contentedness against the whole of a Nation, and the real issues of jobs, healthcare, senior citizens right to have what they paid into, immigration, and women's issues are skirted around like most illusions that Politicians have about those who pay their salaries. Obama is trying, but what is he really trying? And Romney, well he is straight from the dawn of the US post industrial slavery, and would like to return their toot-sweet.  So I wrote this song called "7th Degree of Separation" and not stopping there, I proceeded to write an extended score for my Knight Productions Short Film "Mitt Romney The Real Deal?"  As Art disappears from both of these Candidates minds, might as well get as much Art out as possible... soon it will be replaced with Theocracy, an Industrial reversion, and a complete dumbing down of the general populace. Truth escapes both of them really, their both quite the joke, so it really becomes again.... voting for the lessor of two evils. Sense Politics has no ethics, universal care, or regard for real people living real lives you have no real choice but to vote for the lessor of two evils and hope for the best. When you see "Mitt Romney The Real Deal?" over at Striking Concept's Blog or You Tube you will know why I had to extend the Score to my Instrumental. There is a wonderful short story their also, very thought provoking and humorous. For now the instrumental "7th Degree of Separation."

 You might want to check out these Videos as well: BoonDocks Season 1 Episode 14 "The Block Is Hot,"  Mitt Romney Leaked Fundraiser Video "Full Video," and Breaking footage : China's Brutal Labor Camps, Part 1 as only partials are used in my short Film. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Sun's Gonna Shine Beatmistresscait


Appreciation is the highest form of prayer, for it acknowledges the presence of good wherever you shine the light of your thankful thoughts. 
--Alan Cohen--


Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness.
--Martin Luther King, Jr.--


It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.
--Aristotle Onassis--

Visit Beatmistresscait at Reverbnation; Devotions Recording most dedicated musician, to the art, of Music's expression.

The fundamentals of thinking and believing

"Love is much more fundamental than any kind of thinking or believing. 
It is the root and basis of who you are, at the most fundamental level. 
This means that anything other than love 
as an expression of your being 
is artificial and unnatural and is a result 
of not knowing who you are."
Bill Harris


We need to examine all the thoughts we have, the considerations and beliefs, and find out what's true and what isn't. And what actually belongs to somebody else... something somebody else told us and we've accepted. What's been imprinted or programmed, in other words. Stripping that stuff off (and letting go of the accompanying painful feelings and misguided behaviors) and finding what is our own inner truth. Because it comes from inside us it is pure and our inner knowing, from each of us as a spiritual being. It's based on universal knowledge, i.e. knowledge that is free of any kind of conditioning. The perspective is unconditional love. No one expresses this Love as deeply in her Music than Noise Flower, she exemplifies the movement of love within her work effortlessly. So check her out at Reverbnation.

Inspiring Quote of the Day WELCOME to Inspiration

"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music."
Aldous Huxley

I have found that beautiful music is a great aid to dissipating and releasing emotions that are not serving me, or that are getting in the way of a heart-felt high vibration (fulfillment and gratitude), the state of being that attracts abundance. Visit Song Jaki the Inspirational Soul of Devotions Recording.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

A Moment In Time By Shade Law for the 2013 Neuro Film Festival


Well I did it I entered the contest at You Tube. You can follow The American Academy of Neurology at Twitter.and at You Tube. Film By Shade Law [I have MS-Remission]. Music By Shade Law "A Moment In Time" Percussion By Ryo Utasato Artist at Devotions Recording. Guest Speaker with Nancy “B” Live Motivational Speaker. Song: “A Moment In Time” ©2012 Devotions Recording-Shade Law [instrumental soundtrack at] American Brain Foundation Film Competition "A Moment In Time."(Multiple Sclerosis My Story).

Let’s put our brains together to cure brain disease

Thursday, October 4, 2012


(Multiple Sclerosis My Story)
Let’s put our brains together to cure brain disease

In Remission from MS-13 years

Music By Shade Law
©2012 Devotions Recording-Shade Law
American Brain Foundation Film Competition
Jan 2013 
Guest Speaker Nancy 'B' Live
Guest Musician Ryo Utasato

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


In the garden of being alone in ones own thoughts. Where sounds are muffled, and many times the mind is bent, the heart is what needs to be expressed. In these times it really is the stillness that can save folks. The world is faced with a busy effect. This effect affects us all. This Global worry about "can we really get to Peace," compounds our own personal worries with finances, health, and relationships that mean something to us on a personal level. I ran into an email that might help. Thanks Patti for sending it to me because the new Film project is allowing me to look more closely at my health on more levels than one.

As I've aged, I've become kinder to myself, and less critical of  myself. I've become my own friend. Whose business is it if I choose to read or play on the computer  until 4 AM or sleep until noon? I will dance with myself to those wonderful tunes of the 60 &70's, and if I, at the same time, wish to weep over a lost love. I will. I will walk the beach in a swim suit that is stretched over a bulging body, and will dive into the waves with abandon if I choose to, despite the pitying glances from the jet set.

I know I am sometimes forgetful.  But there again, some of life is just as well forgotten. And I eventually remember the important things.

Sure, over the years my heart has been broken. How can your heart not break when you lose a loved one, or when a child suffers, or even when somebody's beloved pet gets hit by a car? But broken hearts are what give us strength and understanding and compassion. A heart never broken is pristine and sterile and will never know the joy of being imperfect.

I am so blessed to have lived long enough to have my hair turning gray, and to have my youthful laughs be forever etched into deep grooves on my face. So many have never laughed, and so many have died before their hair could turn silver. 

As you get older, it is easier to be positive. You care less about what other people think. I don't question myself anymore.

I've even earned the right to be wrong.

So, to answer your question, I like being old. It has set me free. I  like the person I have become. I am not going to live forever, but while I am still here, I will not waste time lamenting what could  have been, or worrying about what will be. And I shall eat dessert every single day (if I feel like it).


feel free to share with your Friends
Blessings To All Of My Friends

Saturday, September 22, 2012

I have been invited to: Submit Your Video to the 2013 Neuro Film Festival

Well here is an update, got invited to the "Brain Foundation" to compete in their Video contest for this cause of sharing about any brain injuries like strokes, MS, and others are sharing about being damaged in the wars. So I did the score to the short film let you all know when its all put together. My films score is called "A Moment In Time" and will tell the story about me and Multiple Sclerosis it features percussion By Ryo Utasato and also briefly features Nancy B. Berggren. The instrumental (with out me speaking) is now at Reverbnation. Thank you for your kind support and I also personally thank Rev. Nancy and Ryo Utasato for their work in this production. Bellow is the invite from the Foundation. 

"Submit Your Video to the 2013 Neuro Film Festival

As a Neurology Now® magazine subscriber, you understand the important role research plays in finding cures for brain disease. Help us raise awareness by submitting a short video to the 2013 Neuro Film Festival®, telling your story about why more research is needed. Winners could receive up to $1,000 and a trip to San Diego to see their film shown at the Neuro Film Festival on Friday, March 22, 2013. 

Video entries should be no more than five minutes in length and include the phrase “Let’s put our brains together to cure brain disease. Visit” Complete contest rules and a video showing how to submit to the Neuro Film Festival are available on the Neuro Film Festival's website. The deadline to enter your video is January 31, 2013.

Now in its fourth year, the Neuro Film Festival is a contest by the American Brain Foundation, the foundation for the American Academy of Neurology, designed to raise awareness about why more research is needed to find cures for brain diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, autism, and Parkinson’s disease. Since 2010, nearly 300 videos have been submitted to the Neuro Film Festival along with thousands of votes cast from the public for their favorite entries."

This is a contest that I am not really interested in winning but sharing another aspect of dealing with living with MS and what I do to function with with a brain illness. Sure the money would be great, but I think what this Foundation is doing to encourage so many levels of the many aspects of brain illness issues is Profound. After writing the score for the short film I found myself somewhat in amazement that I could maybe express why sometimes I can't get things done that maybe should get done. At least I understand more why I can't get certain things done. Nancy had sent me a "forgiveness" affirmation to use for ME lol. Yeah sometimes I am just too hard on myself. The Music was enough to place me in touch with my own frustration and sadness that is within me. Ahhhhhh but their is always that glimmer of hope in my Music, which shows up in Ryo's percussion and Nancy's two liner speaking YES! Saved by the Bell O Hope. LOL.I hope you all enjoy the Score it's under 5min and yes Jodie I read the specks requirements hehehehe.

Blessings to ALL

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Why Should Fears Be Faced

Face of Fear's Film Still
With everything we all go through there appears to be a repetition in exactly what we go through. Hidden childhood memories tend to cause a cataclysmic cascade of effects on adult living. So just what is this "Face of Fear" that Shade wrote about in her Music???? Well I will tell you. It is a child that cries out from the wilderness within ones own heart... they cry for Hope, a child who wishes to end the pain of life but does not know how, a child who deeply wishes for Peace and most of all Love. Life with its series of ups and downs presents us an array of unsettling experiences and until we face our fears not much can be done about changing the repercussions of life. We all have chances to become our very best, we are given with each day, new opportunities, and we can choose this instead of what the lost within us chooses..... Fear. A Child lost is a Child who deserves so much better in life than the scorn from from its own self. As I walk through my own valley of loosing my Label, economic changes, and still working to create the very best for our Readers and Supporters, this song encourages me and I hope it will encourage you. 

You can see the [OFFICIAL VIDEO AD] at Striking Concept Films-Video right here on Blogger. To purchase "Face of Fear" you can go to Shade's Profile at Reverbnation and click on that cute note on her Profile under her Songs :0) feel free to become a Fan and check out our other Artists as well. Many thanks for ALL of your kind support of not only me but the other Artists represented here at the Blog. Special thanks to Jerry Banberger and Katie and James Fairchild. And many thanks to The Heretic- Snordelhans, who originally inspired me with this incredible visual of Fear in the artwork's child's face.

More Music By Shade Law Available at Sound Click
Direct Link to Shade's Store at Reverbnation 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Blanket the World With Love

The third and final production with Nancy B and myself is now complete. I would like to write about what keeps love going when your world seems to be falling apart. You see yesterday wasn't a good day. After the Government decided to take out $300.00 from my social security to pay for Medicare well I had to shut down the label at Reverbnation.Ahhhhh but I am no idiot, this is exactly why I backlinked to these fine Artists Profiles at Reverbnation and very little to the Label itself.

Face it Love is just weird sometimes. A lot is required to get up everyday and continue this silent work. This visual array. This emotional roller coaster of succeeding and maybe not succeeding can be draining. Ahhhhhh but when one does tap into the one-ness of the Love that keeps Art going no matter what.... then Friendships arrive at what they should be. Countries will arrive at responsible leaders. And the real starvation of the soul will end. 

This Journey started with a song.... "Gun Cocked and Loaded." which then fell into "Steps in Preventing Suicide" [part1] I was a bit unhinged when the air conditioning went out and then right in the middle of "Beyond The Wave" [part2] my Pay-Pal and Chase were attacked. Yet the work gets done, is it Love???? Yes it is. Almost at the end of "Blanket the World With Love" [part3] the Gov plays games with my money.  Does it hurt to shut down part of your heart, you bet it does, closing Devotions Recording at Reverbnation really hurt. But Love will carry me out of this. Yesterday I received a really cool gift from Noise Flower... a song written for me. I think she actually caught my soul, you see I am one of the few that can actually live in utter darkness and still find beauty in it.  That's what the Flower caught. I want to thank everyone who has stood with me during these dark times. Because it won't be dark for much longer, not with this heart, and not with this mind's vision.


Music By Shade Law Available at Sound Click

Noise Flower

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Guitar Center's Drum-Off '12 with Devotions Recording Artist Noise Flower as one of the Judges

One of the most spectacular events is coming up soon. The 2012 Guitar Drum-Off Competition is happening with hundreds of Drummers from around the nation will compete in this famed competition. 
On August 1, 2012 -  you need to Sign up now! This nationwide search for the top undiscovered drummer in the country is back for its 24th year, and here is what you have to do! Head into your local Guitar Center to sign up for your chance to win a grand prize worth over $50,000 and the coveted title of Guitar Center's 2012 Drum-Off champion. The grand prize includes $25,000 cash, a custom drum kit, complete set of cymbals, drumheads, and sticks, endorsement deals, a deluxe Shure drum mic pack, TD-30 electronic kit & SPD-SX from Roland, a 2013 NAMM VIP experience, and more. 

Sign up for one of the prelims happening on September 11th, September 18th, or September 25th. There are only 10 spots per store and they fill up quick so don't wait, sign up now! Be sure to take a look around at the site for details on how the competition works, the official rules, and prizing, plus videos and photos from past grand finals events. And now here is the exciting news about one of our Artists in regards to this amazing event.

Our own Noise Flower is going to be one of the Judges for this entire event! I just wish to say as the Founder of Devotions Recording.... WE ARE SO DAMN PROUD OF YOU from the Founder to your Peers!!!  YOU GO GIRL!!!

We wish all of the Drummers participating Good Luck and the Host of this amazing event Guitar Center and it Sponsors loads of success!!!!

Please check out Guitar Centers Video Ad on Striking Concept-Films-Video Blog.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Possessed car alarm Key fob By Dave-Lee Zaelon


Picture this, it’s 4am, the alarm clock rings, you pick it up and throw it across the room, as you do every morning and it lands on the floor still ringing, it’s time to go to work, you walk across the room, pick the clock up, turn it off and set it down on the bedside table, you walk to the window draw the curtains and look out, to find it’s raining cats and dogs.

You know this because of the meowing and the barking as they go past, to land on the ground with a howl.

Oh you have to be joking!
With this you think, it’s going to be a strange day, you go into the bathroom, lather your face pick up your razor and have a shave, then you wash your face and get soap in your eyes, you immediately bend down to pick up the towel off the rail and bang your head on the bathroom cabinet above, with a howl and cursing the cabinet you wipe the soap out of your eyes and off your face, while turning and stubbing your toe on the toilet bowl, you hop around the bathroom like a kangaroo, swearing and shouting, you hobble back into the bedroom, cursing and get dressed.

You go downstairs to the kitchen to make breakfast, you decide to have toast with coffee, while making the coffee the toast begins to burn, you grab the toast out of the toaster, burning your fingers as you throw it into the bin.

It’s now 4:45am, you grab your car key fob and keys, wincing with the pain of burnt fingers, go out to your car and press the Key fob to unlock the car, the doors unlock and immediately the car alarm goes off, you press the fob again to silence the alarm, it stops, then starts again, you press it again and it stops, you get in, put the key in the ignition, turn the key, the engine fails to start and the alarm goes off, again, pressing the key fob stops the alarm and proceeds to lock all the doors while you’re in the car and can’t get out, you panic and press the fob again to unlock the doors, the doors unlock and yes, the alarm goes off, it’s now 5:00am and lights are being switched on in the houses along the road, you try frantically to turn it off, at last it stops, you turn the key again and the engine starts, you breathe a sigh of relief and start to move off into the middle of the road and yes, the alarm goes off again and the engine stops. You grab the fob and start pressing it, all the doors lock; it’s now 5:15am.

But now you’re stuck in the middle of the road not being able to move and half the road is up and out wondering what the racket is, one of your neighbors comes over to your car, he’s built like a gorilla, you gingerly wind your window down he snarls “FIX IT” you explain what is wrong and he snatches the key fob from you and presses it, the doors unlock and the alarm stops, you get out and stand there in bewilderment and thank your neighbor, with a growl he turns and walks away.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

A look at Two Major Productions

 So as the waves of life are kicking my but from one end of my life to another, so I go to what saves me, music and film. I finally give up on the AC, it died again propelling me into a crying fit and pretty much just sacked me into being wiped out. So you know when your pretty much beat up, right? Yeah when your so called friends won't take your call LOL. Then your mind clicks and reminds you of those who will take your call no matter your state of being. That's when you just have to say, those that hang in, from start to finish, get the full impact of what you have to offer at the good end. Somehow the work has to go on, rather I am here or not, dose not matter, the work goes on. And it's pretty much the same all around the world, life goes on rather your involved or not. The good lesson here is this, give what you can when you can, make a note of who sincerely appreciates the gifts [you will need that later when you do get up from up under that wave], forgive yourself for possibly over extending yourself, and have the guts to simply move on with no regrets.

Rarely do I get to work with the very BEST in what they do and combine my talents of either editing or film production or my own Music with a project and person I really like. Nancy B' is quite talented in her own right. An Author, a  successful Actress, and a Life Coach-Speaker for New Thought as well as Companies who need a wayyyy better direction of implementing compassion, Love, respect, and fairness in their policies toward their employees. Nancy has been their for me since I created fully my first company "Triune Publications Seminars and Design." I'm still implementing many of the ideas I got from her to Striking Concept Films-Videos, Knight Productions4 [Social Concerns Films] and yeah Devotions Recording. I'm pretty happy at what I do but now I think I have to upgrade before the waves of life take my ass out. So I will be looking at a whole bunch of stuff on the ever pain in the butt [sometimes] Practical side that must be done.

When I wrote the song "Gun Cocked and Loaded" it was from a sense of feeling abandoned, and then Nancy sent me over to listen to her Lecture at NoHo New Thought. I realized that her Lecture was not only for those students but for folks struggling with Depression and a radical change in life's friendships, goals, and needed inner outlook and acceptance of what might have to be changed in order to grow. Things picked up a bit in my life starting with the Air Conditioner getting fixed. Now it's Sunday and the AC went down again right after I finished the short film "Beyond the Wave." Yes it kinda threw me back into the deep end again, but now with both projects up, finished and in my opinion.... stunning, I can say... I did my part and it's damn good, and it will help someone down the road if not now. Now I can also state with a clear intention... it really is time to take care of myself.... fully.... before I take care of any body else' needs, wants or desires. I also wish to thank some other folks who stick by me no matter what....

Many thanks to my Guest in this short film. Guest Film Footage By: Heretic Productions-SnordelhansFeed THE FIRE FILMS you can also find Feed The Fire Films at his Website, Raven Productions Tutorials,  and Nancy B' Live for her talk at NoHo. You can purchase the soundtracks at Sound Click and soon at ITunes. I also want to thank those who have taken the time to donate to this Blog's work and to Striking Concept's Blog [you know who you are] it was YOU who helped me get a AC wall unit for my Friends room to keep her lungs going and her oxygen unit cool. I wish to publically thank Jodie P Floss my Friend and Business Partner, and Ryo Utasato for their kind donations as well. I also wish to thank Dave Lee Zaelon for taking the calls and Patti as well, sometimes you just need to hear a voice at the other end of the phone. So I am off to go get some serious funding from somewhere because I refuse to go without again, and I want to be ready to pay it forward when the time comes when someone else runs into the same situation. Wish me luck and have a GREAT Day! Dave may take up the slack with some more cool stories of his. Hope so their quite funny, well to me anyway LOL. ATTENTION DEVOTIONS RECORDING ARTISTS you can help also, keep sharing the work here THANKS!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

The life span of a golf ball - What Would It Feel Like If


There are times when Shade is doing a lot behind the scene, she's in the process of healing from heatstroke and dealing with some financial issues that a "key logger" caused to her Pay-Pal and CHASE accounts, so she asked me to write some humorous stuff..... I like writing these interesting antidotes about inanimate objects and other  "what would it fell like if...?"  What can I say, this is the best Label to be with, and I will do what I can do to help our Founder. Sooooo, As promised, the golf ball story, enjoy.


I'm round, I sit nice and quiet in a box, then I get picked up and put on top of something, then I get struck with something which sends me through the air at terrific speed, I land and then roll along for a while, then I get hit again and land in a hole. What am I?

I'll save you

I'm a bloody golf ball, who sits in a box nice and quiet, doing no harm to anyone, then some neanderthal comes along, puts me on what is called a tee and beats my brains in with a club, I then travel 2,3,400 yards at high speed with my skull crushed, landing with a jolt and rolling a few yards getting dizzy and sick, then I get a headache when I'm hit again with another club, just to land in a hole full of water, where I drown.

Grrrr Must Win!

Tell me what harm did I ever do to you ham-fisted golfers.

I sit nice and quiet in a nice warm box, doing no harm to anyone and you lot come along and beat the living shit out of me, then drown me to death.
All in the name of golf........why?
PS: I've put it through spell check, just in case Cait reads it lol

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Major depressive disorder

Depression may be described as feeling sad, blue, unhappy, miserable, or down in the dumps. Most of us feel this way at one time or another for short periods.

True clinical depression is a mood disorder in which feelings of sadness, loss, anger, or frustration interfere with everyday life for weeks or longer.



Depression can change or distort the way you see yourself, your life, and those around you. People who have depression usually see everything with a more negative attitude. They cannot imagine that any problem or situation can be solved in a positive way. Symptoms of depression can include:
  • Agitation, restlessness, and irritability
  • Becoming withdrawn or isolated
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Dramatic change in appetite, often with weight gain or loss
  • Fatigue and lack of energy
  • Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness
  • Feelings of worthlessness, self-hate, and guilt
  • Loss of interest or pleasure in activities that were once enjoyed
  • Thoughts of death or suicide
  • Trouble sleeping or too much sleeping
Depression can appear as anger and discouragement, rather than feelings of sadness. If depression is very severe, there may also be psychotic symptoms, such as hallucinations and delusions. Depression is difficult to live with especially when one feels isolated, having dealt with depression for years myself, Music and Films have been my sole retreat and my best friend many times. One of the works that's in the hopper is a Film called "Preventing Suicide" from Knight Productions, the song below will be part of it's score for the short Film. It will take me a bit to get that one out, so bear with me I'm not in the best of moods so to say. For now here is the Song "Gun Cocked and Loaded."

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Policy or Domination Music By Ryo Utasato

With the latest shooting in Colorado we can see that Social Concerns are greatly on the rise. Please share.... Music By Devotions Recording's Ryo Utasato

Music By: 

Friday, July 13, 2012

Beatmistresscait the Personification of Perfect Sound

Beatmistresscait is one of the most prolific Artist on the Devotions Recording Label, with over 200 songs she consistently puts out stunning Soundtrack-Dance and Jazz  work. Cait is a sheer inspiration to Striking Concept Films and Knight Productions - Social Concerns Films. Her perfect Sounds come from her studio in Ireland and her Production base is Ableton. With a huge Sound Library Beatmistresscait traverses through her Ableton,  to consistently and professionally mix her world of perfect pitch, sound, and music. When Striking Concept Films-Video reaches out to other high level Independent Film Makers like FEED THE FIRE FILMS or The Heretic- Snordelhans to ask them to share their footage clips, we want only the best Music and Production of that Music to lead the story in our Short Films. There is so much going on in the world today, that even Striking Concept Films-Video is concerned. Jodie and I took a break from making advertising Videos for Devotions Recording and decided to share this Short Film with Beatmistresscait's song entitled:

"Nobody Wants to Trip Anymore" You see, that's the problem with the world, folks are trippin. Truth be said, it's nothin but a power grab, where the rich get richer and the poor get more poor. It's the height of the hate ball getting bigger instead of smaller, the height of greed gone mad, and the height of divisiveness going so out of control that Love is having a hard time revealing itself. Now is the time for folks to wake up, wake up and let Love take over before we all loose ourselves completely along with everything we Cherish and hold dear to our hearts... You can hear "Nobody Wants to Trip Anymore" and see the Short Film at Striking Concept's Blog.  


For now check this out by: Beatmistresscait.


Saturday, July 7, 2012

If you missed this at Striking Concept Films-Video it is here I, Pet Goat II


I had no part in making this video nor am I associated with the production company and this is the only piece of work on this site that is not mine... What is it? Is it an Illuminati message? Magic to freak us out? Credits at the back end. Kyk met lang tande.

You will have to watch this vid many times to see all the symbolism, signs and hidden meaning. The word Heliofant represents the devil. Even I, Pet Goat has 9 characters, and then 11 at the end? 9/11? Coincidence? Not sure. The video length is 7:27. Date of opening of the Olympic Games. Christ on an Annubis boat? Too much stuff here, and, for my money, way too slick for a showreel. The map on the wall behind Dubya. Pins in Gulf of Mexico, New York, Oklahoma City, New Orleans and Southern Florida. The evolution line above his head, ending with the Illuminated Man. A penis shaped like a missile.Can anyone discern/analyze the faces and/or symbols that shine vaguely through the wiped out chalk? The lightning bolt that divides the brain, watched/guarded by a dragon (Ladon?) What does F=-F mean? Red crescent moon on Obamas face. Canine teeth. Purple, the color of royalty/leadership.

The autocue, LOL or 101? Heliofant homepage- Details about I, Pet Goat II- More about Heliofant-

Thursday, July 5, 2012

You will NOT Believe This Video

How Trusting Established Beliefs Can Mess You Up 


 The Better Business Bureau, one of the country’s best known consumer watchdog groups, is being accused by business owners of running a “pay for play” scheme in which A plus ratings are awarded to those who pay membership fees, and F ratings used to punish those who don’t. [A Must See Video].

MIKE HARTMAN Devotions Recording Artist
"I'm Not Going To Let You Down"

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Is Copyright Infringement Another Way To End International Communications

While working on statistical data for Devotions Recording Artists and getting over a severe case of heatstroke [there is no Global Warming pay no attention to everyone around you having heart infractions] Ryo gave me a call and was very upset and concerned. It would seem Japan is launching a device for the Internet that would create a buffer of sorts that actually spies on it's citizens and secures their download history. With the data obtained, they can now arrest their citizens for "copyright infringement" if what they secure is found to be obtained from Music Sites, ITunes, You Tube, or anywhere that has a "photo," sound-music, or film-video content deemed to be "belonging to the entertainment industry etc." Ohhhhh let me count the many Composer's of You Tube in where You Tube has stated "their song" belongs to said "Industry." Let me count the ways where Film Collaborations go array as well [where two or more are gathered in joy and Bliss, to create wonderful music or film, those overseers on the Internet create more BS...]. But, I digress. Enter...

Anonymous you know those guys with the funny computer voices that rant and rave and don't get much done, yes them. Really they are as bad as the governments themselves sometimes. They are shielded in great mystery and they are the ones that no Government fears... and pretty much no regular person who has laid their bodies on the line [like the 99% of Occupy Wallstreet] take them seriously. But there they were on Japan's side of the Net making empty noises and pretty much scaring the heck out of my Friend Ryo.  So what is really going on with Copyright Infringement, and to what extent is this search real? First let's go to a reputable publication, sayyyyy, I Know "The New York Times" yes... they will do. It would appear that laws are cracking down and are quite severe all over the world. BUT WHO STARTED THIS and WHY!!! "...the Justice Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation seized the Web site Megaupload... [well there goes MY educational classes in Film from SENTIENTMIND] ...and charged seven people connected with it with running an international enterprise based on Internet piracy." 


So how to approach this??? What do "honest folks do" who are just trying to make music with one another, teach classes on Adobe or Vegas Pro, or create Seminars where data will be shared...  When the budinskies keep sticking their noses in our work, and determine that it really isn't our work, now what? Joining ASCAP and larger Organizations like BMI greatly help. Here you can get your Licensing and IRSC numbers straight.

You must cover your work as it would seem that even Twitter is on board with allowing privacy intrusions... 

US government leads Twitter data requests ByMatt Warman

The American Government made nearly 700 requests for Twitter user data, compared to just 11 from the UK.

The report follows a long-running, similar process from Google, and reveals for the first time the numbers of government requests received for user information; government requests received to withhold content; and official take-down notices received from copyright holders. 

So will Blogs disappear, will sharing now become a crime, will Indie Music now become a hassle to work with our International Artists Friends from around the world??? It's all quite annoying because now what will happen with the Companies like Native Instruments? Will we, the small Labels and growing Artists, be able to continue to work with them and their "samples?" Or is one more thing going to become "for the elite only?" I'm not sure, what I am sure of is this. Align yourself with bigger guns like ASCAP and BMI and get the IRSC numbers that will protect your work, and if your working with someone it will protect both of you. Music has completely changed over the years, but one thing is true, as I sit here on "Independence Day" and write this... for the USA to involve themselves and entrench themselves so deeply in everyone's business is appalling. Why do I say this? Because we started this crap and it is beyond ridiculous considering it is US Companies that designed "down loadable programs" for Music, Film-Videos, and related Industry products. Was it a trap all along? We will never know, so share.... share like never before. Educate yourself about your own Countries Laws. Educate your Friends. Be aware of what is around you and who really wants to work as a team for the good of everyone in the world. But most of all keep writing Music, it may be our last chance to get something good into the world that last.

DANZ DMA Devotions Recording Artist