
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Why Should Fears Be Faced

Face of Fear's Film Still
With everything we all go through there appears to be a repetition in exactly what we go through. Hidden childhood memories tend to cause a cataclysmic cascade of effects on adult living. So just what is this "Face of Fear" that Shade wrote about in her Music???? Well I will tell you. It is a child that cries out from the wilderness within ones own heart... they cry for Hope, a child who wishes to end the pain of life but does not know how, a child who deeply wishes for Peace and most of all Love. Life with its series of ups and downs presents us an array of unsettling experiences and until we face our fears not much can be done about changing the repercussions of life. We all have chances to become our very best, we are given with each day, new opportunities, and we can choose this instead of what the lost within us chooses..... Fear. A Child lost is a Child who deserves so much better in life than the scorn from from its own self. As I walk through my own valley of loosing my Label, economic changes, and still working to create the very best for our Readers and Supporters, this song encourages me and I hope it will encourage you. 

You can see the [OFFICIAL VIDEO AD] at Striking Concept Films-Video right here on Blogger. To purchase "Face of Fear" you can go to Shade's Profile at Reverbnation and click on that cute note on her Profile under her Songs :0) feel free to become a Fan and check out our other Artists as well. Many thanks for ALL of your kind support of not only me but the other Artists represented here at the Blog. Special thanks to Jerry Banberger and Katie and James Fairchild. And many thanks to The Heretic- Snordelhans, who originally inspired me with this incredible visual of Fear in the artwork's child's face.

More Music By Shade Law Available at Sound Click
Direct Link to Shade's Store at Reverbnation 

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