
Saturday, September 22, 2012

I have been invited to: Submit Your Video to the 2013 Neuro Film Festival

Well here is an update, got invited to the "Brain Foundation" to compete in their Video contest for this cause of sharing about any brain injuries like strokes, MS, and others are sharing about being damaged in the wars. So I did the score to the short film let you all know when its all put together. My films score is called "A Moment In Time" and will tell the story about me and Multiple Sclerosis it features percussion By Ryo Utasato and also briefly features Nancy B. Berggren. The instrumental (with out me speaking) is now at Reverbnation. Thank you for your kind support and I also personally thank Rev. Nancy and Ryo Utasato for their work in this production. Bellow is the invite from the Foundation. 

"Submit Your Video to the 2013 Neuro Film Festival

As a Neurology Now® magazine subscriber, you understand the important role research plays in finding cures for brain disease. Help us raise awareness by submitting a short video to the 2013 Neuro Film Festival®, telling your story about why more research is needed. Winners could receive up to $1,000 and a trip to San Diego to see their film shown at the Neuro Film Festival on Friday, March 22, 2013. 

Video entries should be no more than five minutes in length and include the phrase “Let’s put our brains together to cure brain disease. Visit” Complete contest rules and a video showing how to submit to the Neuro Film Festival are available on the Neuro Film Festival's website. The deadline to enter your video is January 31, 2013.

Now in its fourth year, the Neuro Film Festival is a contest by the American Brain Foundation, the foundation for the American Academy of Neurology, designed to raise awareness about why more research is needed to find cures for brain diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, autism, and Parkinson’s disease. Since 2010, nearly 300 videos have been submitted to the Neuro Film Festival along with thousands of votes cast from the public for their favorite entries."

This is a contest that I am not really interested in winning but sharing another aspect of dealing with living with MS and what I do to function with with a brain illness. Sure the money would be great, but I think what this Foundation is doing to encourage so many levels of the many aspects of brain illness issues is Profound. After writing the score for the short film I found myself somewhat in amazement that I could maybe express why sometimes I can't get things done that maybe should get done. At least I understand more why I can't get certain things done. Nancy had sent me a "forgiveness" affirmation to use for ME lol. Yeah sometimes I am just too hard on myself. The Music was enough to place me in touch with my own frustration and sadness that is within me. Ahhhhhh but their is always that glimmer of hope in my Music, which shows up in Ryo's percussion and Nancy's two liner speaking YES! Saved by the Bell O Hope. LOL.I hope you all enjoy the Score it's under 5min and yes Jodie I read the specks requirements hehehehe.

Blessings to ALL

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Why Should Fears Be Faced

Face of Fear's Film Still
With everything we all go through there appears to be a repetition in exactly what we go through. Hidden childhood memories tend to cause a cataclysmic cascade of effects on adult living. So just what is this "Face of Fear" that Shade wrote about in her Music???? Well I will tell you. It is a child that cries out from the wilderness within ones own heart... they cry for Hope, a child who wishes to end the pain of life but does not know how, a child who deeply wishes for Peace and most of all Love. Life with its series of ups and downs presents us an array of unsettling experiences and until we face our fears not much can be done about changing the repercussions of life. We all have chances to become our very best, we are given with each day, new opportunities, and we can choose this instead of what the lost within us chooses..... Fear. A Child lost is a Child who deserves so much better in life than the scorn from from its own self. As I walk through my own valley of loosing my Label, economic changes, and still working to create the very best for our Readers and Supporters, this song encourages me and I hope it will encourage you. 

You can see the [OFFICIAL VIDEO AD] at Striking Concept Films-Video right here on Blogger. To purchase "Face of Fear" you can go to Shade's Profile at Reverbnation and click on that cute note on her Profile under her Songs :0) feel free to become a Fan and check out our other Artists as well. Many thanks for ALL of your kind support of not only me but the other Artists represented here at the Blog. Special thanks to Jerry Banberger and Katie and James Fairchild. And many thanks to The Heretic- Snordelhans, who originally inspired me with this incredible visual of Fear in the artwork's child's face.

More Music By Shade Law Available at Sound Click
Direct Link to Shade's Store at Reverbnation 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Blanket the World With Love

The third and final production with Nancy B and myself is now complete. I would like to write about what keeps love going when your world seems to be falling apart. You see yesterday wasn't a good day. After the Government decided to take out $300.00 from my social security to pay for Medicare well I had to shut down the label at Reverbnation.Ahhhhh but I am no idiot, this is exactly why I backlinked to these fine Artists Profiles at Reverbnation and very little to the Label itself.

Face it Love is just weird sometimes. A lot is required to get up everyday and continue this silent work. This visual array. This emotional roller coaster of succeeding and maybe not succeeding can be draining. Ahhhhhh but when one does tap into the one-ness of the Love that keeps Art going no matter what.... then Friendships arrive at what they should be. Countries will arrive at responsible leaders. And the real starvation of the soul will end. 

This Journey started with a song.... "Gun Cocked and Loaded." which then fell into "Steps in Preventing Suicide" [part1] I was a bit unhinged when the air conditioning went out and then right in the middle of "Beyond The Wave" [part2] my Pay-Pal and Chase were attacked. Yet the work gets done, is it Love???? Yes it is. Almost at the end of "Blanket the World With Love" [part3] the Gov plays games with my money.  Does it hurt to shut down part of your heart, you bet it does, closing Devotions Recording at Reverbnation really hurt. But Love will carry me out of this. Yesterday I received a really cool gift from Noise Flower... a song written for me. I think she actually caught my soul, you see I am one of the few that can actually live in utter darkness and still find beauty in it.  That's what the Flower caught. I want to thank everyone who has stood with me during these dark times. Because it won't be dark for much longer, not with this heart, and not with this mind's vision.


Music By Shade Law Available at Sound Click

Noise Flower